Familie Heidi und Rainer Scheunemann in Papua
  Spendeninfo für unseren Dienst in Indonesien
  Wer wir sind und was wir glauben
  Aktuelle Notizen von Heidi
  Länderinfo West-Papua
  Kleiner Kultureller Ratgeber
  Rainers Einsatzbereiche
  Heidis Einsatzbereiche
  Fußball-Talentförderung in Papua
  => Unser Einsatz für Fußballförderung in Papua
  => Seit 2007: Fußballschule für Papuajungs in Malang
  => Projektvorschlag: Mädchenfußballinternat für Papuafußballtalente
  => 2008 Asienmeisterschaften mit der indonesischen Damen-Fußball-Nationalmannschaft
  => Seit 2009 Mädchenfußballklub Galanita Persipura
  => 2012-01 Galanita Persipura in Manokwari - Januar 2012
  => 2011-05 Papua Futsal Champion
  => 2012-03 Papua Futsal-Champion
  => 2012-04 Schulturnier U-16 zur Mädchenfußball-Talentsichtung
  => 2014 Education and professional Coaching for talented soccer girls from Papua
  2012-2013 Heidi als Fußballtrainerin in Deutschland
  Indonesische Seite- Berbagai penjelasan dalam Bahasa Indonesia
  Witzige Kindersprüche
  Projektideen für Organisationen, die sich in Papua engagieren möchten
  English page: Football education in West-Papua
  Links zu Liedern - (Bahasa Indonesia: Link-link untuk lagu-lagu)
2014 Education and professional Coaching for talented soccer girls from Papua

Diese Seite wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 24.11.2013
check out my blog on 
http://heidischeunemann.wordpress.com/ about the new project which we will start in January 2014:


Heidi Scheunemann (DFB-B-Licence holder) and her husband Rainer Scheunemann (UEFA-B-licence holder) have organized soccer tournaments in Papua since 1999. They started with University students in 1999 and when the students were able to run competitions by themselves, Heidi and Rainer started to organize soccer tournaments for kids and teenagers U-8, U-10, U-12, U-14 and U-16 from 2002 to 2008. While coaching the women’s national soccer team of Indonesia in 2008 with his brother Timo (DFB-A-licence holder), Rainer saw the great potential of Indonesian soccer girls (the girls from Papua especially have shown great skills) so it was obvious to him that these girls needed professional coaching so that they could improve their skills as quickly as possible. Because the national football association did not offer any kind of assistance for running a women’s soccer league in Indonesia, Rainer and Heidi decided to start coaching a Papuan girl’s team in order to show the public that these girls need to get more attention because they have such great potential. In October 2009, Heidi and Rainer ran a tournament in Jayapura, which is the capital of the province of Papua.  Sixteen highschools participated in that tournament.  Heidi and Rainer selected the 30 best players of the tournament and started to provide continuous soccer coaching for the girls immediately after the tournament.  In 2010, the mayor of Jayapura gave permission for the young team, GALANITA PERSIPURA, to represent the city of Jayapura in the provincial tournament which was held in December 2010. Galanita Persipura won the Papuan championships with their young players - all under the age of 17 - and defeated the national champion, Tolikara, in the final of that major tournament with a score of 3-0. In 2011, Heidi also started to offer futsal training, and her team, GALPERA PAPUA, won the Papuan futsal championships in 2011 and 2012. Because the Papuan football association, as well as the Indonesian football association PSSI, had not provided any big regional or national tournaments since 2010 for the large field, Rainer and Heidi brought their team to the Province of Papua Barat where they won all their friendly matches against teams from that province with high scores (6-0 and 5-0 against Manokwari Select and 13-0 against Sorong Select). In 2012, the national tournament, which is meant to be a yearly event, was canceled for the second year in a row by the national football association due to internal conflicts between the management of the association. In order to keep the soccer girls motivated, Rainer and Heidi decided to organize a tour to Java for their team so that they could show rest of the Indonesian soccer community that the Papuan girls have great soccer skills and should get scouted to play in the Indonesian National Team. GALANITA PERSIPURA played 8 matches against the strongest teams in Java (even against national players),  won 7 of these matches convincingly and even played 0-0 in the last match, although  some of the key players had to fly back to Papua before that match in order to take part in application procedures to get into University. Although the Papuan team won against the strongest teams in Java, none of their players were selected to play in the Asian Championships in 2013. Instead, the national soccer association sent futsal players from the island of Java and lost all their matches (0 points and 1:19 goals after 4 matches), because the team was not at all prepared  to play in the AFF-tournament in Myanmar. Since the Papuan soccer girls have been abandoned for many years now, Heidi and Rainer want to try a new approach. They want to provide the opportunity for several young players from their team to receive scholarships for better highschool education at Charis National Academy in Malang, so that these players might have the chance to get a scholarship in the States as soccer players after they have finished their school education in Malang, which is 80% in English. The first 4 girls will move to Malang and join Charis National Academy in January 2014. The next step will be to offer scholarships for the best experienced players of GALANITA PERSIPURA, who joined the team in 2009 and are already in university in Papua. They should get scholarships to join the Malang National University, because this University plays in the National Student Futsal League, from which all the national players are normally selected. The matches are mostly shown on Indonesian television, so the Papuan girls would just need to show their talent in this league in order to be picked as national players. On the other hand, the education level in Malang is much better than in Papua and therefore the girls will all be able to get better jobs after finishing University in Java than they could ever get in Papua. They might even get the chance to receive scholarships to play soccer for a college in the United States, and go on with their studies there. If they are selected to play for the National Women Soccer Team of Indonesia, they might have an even better chance to receive scholarships as soccer players for an American university for further studies.


Heidi and Rainer Scheunemann moved to the city of Malang in July 2013 and will provide a residence for all the Papuan soccer girls in the house where they live, which they have rented until July 2017. So they are committed to coach and mentor these girls at least until 2017. A fine Papuan lady will also stay with them to mentor the girls and they will receive extracurricular English teaching so that they can improve their English skills as quickly as possible. There will be other soccer coaches from Malang FC Academy and mentors from the Mustard Seed program in Malang involved in this program to make it a success for the girls and to make their families and the Papuan public proud of their achievements.


Contact person:

Heidi  Scheunemann

Email: heidischeunemann(at)gmail.com

Unsere Einsatzbereiche in Papua  
  Theologischer Unterricht
Kinder- und Jugendfußballförderung
Indonesische Frauen-Fussball-Nationalmannschaft
Mädchen-Volleyballclubs "Haleluya"
Strategien zur Armutsbekaempfung
Capacity builing (Coaching von Junglehrern)
Musik (VCD-produktionen)
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